Monday, January 30, 2017

Cover Reveal and Under the Cover with Rebecca Colby, Author of Motor Goose Rhymes that Go!

I am excited to offer a *sneak peek* cover reveal of Rebecca Colby’s Motor Goose! Read on to find out more about this fun author and her new book!

Thank you for having me on My Word Playground today! I’m thrilled to be here and to reveal the cover of my forthcoming book with illustrator, Jef Kaminsky.

LYNNE MARIE: What was your occupation prior to becoming a picture book writer?

REBECCA COLBY: Ha! Which one? I’ve had a varied career life. I always wanted to be a published writer but I took a circuitous route to get here. Some of my past occupations included: panty hose inspector, international tour director, English teacher in Taiwan, and librarian. I even worked briefly for the Russian comedian, Yakov Smirnoff.

LM: When did you decide to pursue picture book writing, and why?

RC:  I’d never considered writing a picture book until my first child was born. I had plans to write the great American novel instead. But once I started reading picture books every night to my daughter, I thought, “These are a piece of cake. I’ll write a few of these and get published in no time.” I was badly mistaken but I was so hooked on picture books that I kept writing them until I eventually did sell my first book a full 7 years later. 

LM: How long was your journey from start to first book?

RC: Oops! I just answered that in the previous question. I started writing pictures books in 2006 but didn’t acquire an agent or sell any books until 2013.

LM: Who/what has been most influential on your journey?

RC:  My two daughters! If it wasn’t for them, it’s unlikely I’d ever have started writing picture books. But if it’s other writers you’re referring to, I’d have to say Dr. Seuss’, and a Dr. Seuss treasury is one of the first books I bought for my eldest. 

LM: Do you have a critique group? How long has it been together?

RC: Doesn’t everyone? My stories wouldn’t be any good without mine. Myself and two other picture book writers formed our on-line critique group, Picturebookies, in early 2011. Six years on and we’re still going strong. We now have seven members split across the US and UK.

LM: What inspired the title and story of your previous book, It’s Raining Bats and Frogs – such a fun concept!
RC:  Thanks, Lynne Marie!  The book was inspired by my favorite weather—rain. I knew I wanted to write a book about a witch and I went for a walk in the rain to mediate on my character and come up with an idea. The more I walked, the harder it rained. Soon it was pouring that heavy kind of rain when people say, “it’s raining cats and dog.”  In an instant, I had my title—a play on this phrase. As my idea began to form, I thought of another saying, “it’s raining on my parade.” That’s when I decided to write about a witch parade that was being rained on and making the witches miserable.

LM: Which came first, the concept or the title?

RC:  Title, then concept. I often come up with what I feel is a catchy title first and then develop an idea around it.

LM: How many times did you revise this manuscript before selling to Macmillan/Feiwel and Friends?

RC: This book had one revision before it sold. After showing it to my critique group, I changed the ending to make it stronger.

LM: Did you sell this book on your own or did you have an Agent at the time?

RC: My agent sold this book within a week of my signing with her. Nothing for years and then an agent and a book sale all in one week. It felt like I’d won the lottery!

LM: How did you come about getting your Agent, Kathleen Rushall, of Andrea Brown Literary Agency?

RC: One of my awesome critique partners saw a tweet Kathleen had posted soliciting picture books with witches. She knew I had two in my portfolio, so she encouraged me to submit them to Kathleen. Twenty-four hours and a couple of emails later, she offered me representation. Again, it felt really strange. I’d received more than 140 rejections over the years and then overnight I had an agent.  

LM: You were born in New Hampshire, USA and ended up in the UK. How did you get there from here?

RC:  Oh, gosh! How much time have we got? Traveling has always been one of my big loves so when I graduated from college, I applied for a BUNAC student work permit and moved to London where I fell into a job with a tour operator. After returning to the States, I continued working for tour operators in New England, eventually going out on the road as a tour director. While I traveled all over the world for my job, my main tour destination was the British Isles. Following a brief stint in Taiwan teaching English, I moved back to England and I’ve been here ever since.      

LM: Please share the story behind There Was a Wee Lassie Who Swallowed a Midgie, with Floris Books, a UK Publisher.

RC: I’ve always loved the traditional rhyme There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly and I’ve collected several retellings over the years. It was when I came across an Australian retelling, There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Mozzie by P. Crumble, that I decided to try my hand at writing a Scottish version and the Wee Lassie book was born.

LM: Please share a link to the You Tube Trailer for those who can’t get it here:

RC: Floris has created a fabulous trailer for the book, which is illustrated by Kate McLelland. Here’s the link:

LM: I would love to hear how you came up with the title and concept for Motor Goose. Such a fun, brilliant idea, with such boy appeal!

RC: Much like The Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly, I’d always wanted to write my own version of it. I came up with dozens of ideas, but ultimately chose Motor Goose as I knew the topic of transportation was taught in early years’ education and I liked the idea of a tie-in with the curriculum.  

LM: When will this book be available in 2017?

RC: Motor Goose comes out in mid-July of this year.

LM: How many times did your Agent submit Motor Goose before you were offered a contract?

RC:  Just once. We submitted it to my editor at Feiwel & Friends and she loved it, thank goodness!

LM: Did you read/enjoy Nursery Rhymes while growing up, or was this a new avenue of literary exploration?

RC: In first grade I won a “Most Improved” award and the prize was a book of poetry. It was one of the few books I owned so I read it over and over. It soon instilled in me a love of rhythm and rhyme.

LM: What is your favorite Nursery Rhyme, and why?

RC: Star Light, Star Bright is my all-time favorite. Instead of counting sheep at night, I would look out the window from the top of my bunk bed and count the stars. But before I started counting, I would wish on the first star I saw and recite this rhyme.

LM: What is your favorite form of transportation, and why?

RC:  It would have to be a snowmobile. There’s nothing like the thrill of racing through the woods on snowy trails, and it’s a vehicle that requires a fair amount of physical exertion to ride so I can get a good workout in the process. Having said that, we don’t get much snow in England so I haven’t had the opportunity to drive a snowmobile in years. Alas!

LM: What is your current picture book FAVORITE in USA? In Britain?

RC: I’ve been a huge fan of Tammi Sauer’s and Scott Magoon’s Mostly Monsterly since it came out in 2010. It’s my go-to book when teaching others how to write picture books.

Here in Britain, my favorite is Debi Gliori’s No Matter What. I don’t read it very often anymore as it inevitably tugs at my heartstrings and makes me teary-eyed, but it’s long been a British favorite.

LM: What are you working on now?

RC: Oh, no you don’t! It’s a secret. I can’t tell you except to say that I’m working on both picture books and screenplays at the moment.

LM: Any books slated to come out in the next three years?

RC:  There you go again asking questions I’m not at liberty to answer. I can’t say boo about them until they’re officially announced in the Publishers’ Marketplace. Sorry!

LM: If you were a literary character, which one would you be?

RC:  Probably the Good Little, Bad Little Girl. Because when I’m good, I’m very, very good, but when I’m bad, I’m horrid. But mostly, I try to be good.

LM: Do you have any plans to offer a picture book mentorship next year?

RC:  Yes, all being well, I’ll offer another free picture book mentorship later this year. Towards the end of 2016, I decided to give away a free six-month picture book mentorship as a way of giving back to the kidlit community who has given me so much. As we’re only two months into the mentorship, and I have another paid mentorship running alongside of it, it will probably be autumn before I offer the next free one. In the meantime, however, I’m offering lots of other freebies on my blog, like critiques, books and even a smart watch.

Thank you so very much for sharing your journey, Rebecca!

Thank you, Lynne Marie! I’ve enjoyed being on your blog today. I hope my experiences inspire others to persevere through the rejections and not give up.

Readers, Rebecca is kindly giving a picture book critique away to one lucky winner who comments. Please share this post on Facebook or Twitter, include your e-mail address AND tell us where you shared. A winner will be chosen within thirty (30) days of this post, so please share and get your comments in.

On the birthday week of this book, I will also share a book review, and Rebecca will offer a copy of the book to one lucky commenter, so be certain to check back in July!


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Interview with "Still A Family" Author Brenda Reeves Sturgis
I am excited to feature an Interview with my dear friend, Brenda Reeves Sturgis. Brenda and I met in 2005 through SCBWI when we sat next to each other at New England SCBWI Conference. Although we live on opposite ends of the US (Maine and Florida) now, we have remained friends and have co-written several picture books together, including a dinosaur friendship story, an under-the-sea fractured fairy tale, a dancing dinosaur story, a fractured fairy tale bedtime story and a book that promotes children banding together as a nation. 

LYNNE MARIE: Please share the "story-behind-the-story" of your newest and most stand-out book yet, "Still A Family," illustrated by Jo-Shin Lee. 

BRENDA REEVES STURGIS: I was on social media and noticed a discussion about why there weren't any books about homelessness. I decided then and there that I would write that book. I wrote it in about 30 minutes and sent a message to my Agent, Karen Grencik, of Red Fox Literary. I also found out there were editors requesting a manuscript like this. By day's end, Karen sent it out to three editors and we had a contract six weeks later. 

LM: Please share some of the amazing reviews that are in on Still A Family.

BRS: Thank you for having me here Lynne Marie. I appreciate your time and as always, your friendship! There are three glowing reviews that have come in already.


A preschool-age girl copes with living in a homeless shelter with her mother and without her father, who is housed in a different shelter.
Sturgis’ first-person text is paired with Lee’s naĆÆve illustration style to deliver an effective and affecting account from the protagonist’s perspective. The father in the family appears to be a white man, while the mother’s darker brown skin indicates that she is a woman of color, and the girl’s skin tone is most like her father’s. The text repeatedly underscore’s the title’s message that they are “still a family” even though they must live separately in different shelters. The story depicts ways they stay connected with visits to the park, meals at a soup kitchen, and shared co-parenting while the adults alternate caring for their young daughter and looking for work. Throughout, the girl's doll provides a sense of comfort and consistency. While there is no happily-ever-after resolution, the ending has a hopeful note as the family marks their daughter’s birthday and the text re-emphasizes the title’s message. An author’s note and resource list in the backmatter round out the book with context for readers.
A sensitive and necessary picture book to provide comfort and raise awareness and empathy. (Picture book. 4-8)

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY: "A girl with brown braids keeps her chin up while living in a shelter with her mother. “My dad lives in a different shelter, down another street,” she explains, adding (in what becomes the book’s refrain), “But we are still a family.” Sturgis (The Lake Where Loon Lives) doesn’t ignore the girl’s desires for stability and a permanent home (“I miss my quiet room, my comfy bed, and my cozy quilt”) but shows how the family members support each other, exchanging modest gifts, waiting together in long soup kitchen lines, and celebrating the girl’s birthday with a cupcake and a wish. Lee, in her U.S. debut, uses a mix of media to create rough, childlike scenes that give the sense that the girl is both telling and illustrating her story. With an estimated 2.5 million children homeless in the U.S., this is an empathic and valuable book, both for families without a home and for those in a position to help; an author’s note and list of resources offers suggestions for how readers can do just that."Publishers Weekly

AND one more coming soon, that I can't share just yet but am beyond elated about!


 LM: How did the title for Still A Family come to be? 

BRS: The title unfolded organically from the refrain, and seems to be that this story named itself really.

LM: Why do you think you connected so strongly with this social awareness concept? What incidents or events informed your writing of this story?

BRS: I would have to say it was a gift. I was in the right place at the right time when the idea presented itself, and I jumped on it like a child on a trampoline. I said to myself, "Why not me? Why can't I write it?" And so, just like that, it was there. I have always been concerned about the plight of the homeless and started a book drive for homeless shelters and children's hospitals across the country back in 2005. This opportunity is a blessing and as I said, I believe it is a gift and it's where the direction of my life is make a difference not only for the children in the shelters but also for the general public for empathy and understanding.

LM: How long did this book take from concept to contract?

BRS: This happened so quickly. Lightning fast really. It was about six weeks from concept to contract.

LM: At what point did you decide to be a children’s writer. What influenced this decision?

BRS: This is a fabulous question Lynne Marie. I met Lynne Plourde at an author visit in 2004 at Baldwin Consolidated School. I sat in the back row, listening. I have always loved writing, and filled up pages and pages of poetry in high school, and remember telling somebody as a Freshman in high school that I wanted to be a writer. When Lynne told the audience that writers don't always illustrate their own books I knew I had to find out how I could write. I approached Lynne after the author visit and said, "How do I do this?" She directed me to SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.) I plunged in, and never looked back. I was all in from day one!

LM: Growing up, you were a reader. Which books do you think shaped who are now?

BRS: I was always a reader of midgrades, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and a lover of picture books, Little Golden Books were some of my favorites and it is a dream to have a Little Golden Book of my own someday. I was an avid reader, I would hunker in my room on a Friday night and my mother wouldn't see hide nor hair of me until Monday morning. When all of my friends were out to parties, I was home writing and reading, or babysitting. And my loves still are writing, reading and nannying.

LM: When you decided to write for children, what type of books did you intend to write? How different is this vision from the books you actually published?

BRS: I always wanted to write picture books. This is where my heart leads. And I am a rhymer to the core, so I worked for years and years and years to get published in rhyme until finally 10 Turkeys in the Road was sold to Marshall Cavendish. But my writing is changing, and I am finding ways to make my prose sing. Prose is and always will be the most difficult for me to write because rhyme just comes naturally to me. Prose I have to work harder at.

LM: What advice do you have for someone choosing a path in children’s book publishing?

BRS:  You MUST study the market, you must be patient, you must pay your dues, you must be kind and friendly, and help others, you must learn your craft.  I would say the one thing that I have always ALWAYS done is help others. Whether it's reading their work through critiques,  whether it's advising them on which agent to query, whether it's always believing in somebody, I would say this is probably what I do more so than not. I believe we are all in this together and I am always happy to help others succeed in publishing and with their own dreams.

LM: “Ten Turkeys in the Road” is one of my favorite counting books. Please share how you got the idea for this fun book, which has a circus theme.

BRS: I was driving my daughter Stacie to school, she was about 7 at the time, she's 18 now. We live on a quiet little lake down a windy long dirt road. There were turkeys in the road. LOTS of them, and they were strutting around, and then flying up into the trees. I wanted to beep at them, I was in a hurry. But instead...I sat and breathed in that moment, and I laughed. A few nights later, I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and 10 Turkeys wrote itself. I really feel as though I am merely a vessel because the thoughts and words flow so quickly. One day they weren't there and then the next day they are. 10 Turkeys in the Road wasn't originally about a circus, it was about turkeys doing silly things. I got accepted into RUCCL (Rutgers Council of Children's Literature.) I was paired with publisher Margery Cuyler, of Marshall Cavendish, now Two Lions. She loved the story. She said, "I'd like this about something else." I replied. "What do you want it about?" She replied. "A circus. I would like it about a circus." I went home, rewrote it, and my agent sent it to her. We had a contract shortly thereafter.

LM: Who/what has been most influential on your journey?

BRS: There is not one person, but several. First and foremost, Lynne Plourde for pointing me down the yellow brick road. Then, Kelly DiPucchio, because it was her belief in me that made me think I could write something special. Then Josh Adams of Adams Literary for believing in me enough to represent me. Next it would be Emma Dryden, for consulting with me and helping me pick myself up and move forward, and then it would be my most favorite person in this business, my agent and good friend Karen Grencik of Red Fox Literary. I would also say that I just keep writing, and believing and hoping I can make a difference somehow.

LM: What has been your most memorable moment on your writing journey?

BRS: By far the most memorable moment is the review that I have forthcoming that I can't share yet, but will. So when I can share it with you, I will and then maybe you can post a status update. Your readers will understand exactly what I mean when I am given the greenlight to share.

LM: How did you come about getting your Agent, Karen Grencik of Red Fox Literary?

BRS: I had hired Emma Dryden as a consultant, can't recommend Emma enough she is FABULOUS at what she does. I asked about Karen Grencik, she was and is good friends with Karen. Emma thought we would be a good love match and she was correct. We are a perfect fit for each other, she is more than my agent, she is my friend and has been for almost seven years now.

LM: Please tell us about your latest project. What inspired this book?

BRS: I am not working on anything currently. What I am doing though is trying to run through the doors that are opening regarding Still a Family, I am so happy and feel so blessed, and I am ready to help however I can.

LM: If you were a literary character, which one would you be?

BRS: This is a great question and one I've never been asked. I think I would be the little girl in my book Still a Family. Because I believe that home is where the heart is, I believe that everything will get better, and I believe in the power of hope and love. 

LM: Thank you so very much for sharing your journey, Brenda!

BRS: Thank you so much, Lynne Marie for this wonderful interview. Please let your readers know that a % of every copy of Still a Family will be donated to a homeless shelter across the country. I am going to pick one every month to send a copy of Still a Family to, along with proceeds from sales. 

Brenda Reeves Sturgis

Hedgehog Goes to Kindergarten, Read by Nathan

Saturday, January 28, 2017

How "Shoes are Like Men" and the Publication Journey of Kim Interdonato

Today, I would like to introduce a long-time friend. She is not a children's writer, as would usually be featured on my blog, but an adult humor writer. However, her writing-from-life inspiration and publication journey story is motivating and I wanted to share it with you all. 


And now, here's Kim!

My name is Kim Interdonato and I am the author/illustrator of Shoes are Like Men.

Shoes Are Like Men is a laugh out loud funny modern spin on dating from a woman's point of view. Every chapter compares dating from blisteringly painful to as comfortable as a pair of slippers. Every female will totally relate their date to every chapter in this book.

By trade, I am a skating instructor  -- a job I love and am very proud of. So believe me when I tell you I had no intentions to be a writer or illustrator. 

The idea for Shoes Are Like Men came to me when I was having difficulty getting over a recent relationship break-up. On this beautiful summer day, I decided to take a long drive. It gave me lots of time to think.  Instead of dwelling on my "one-bad-relationship-after-another" history, I laughed at the silly dating situations I experienced. I also remembered something one of my girlfriends said about dating: "Think of it like trying on shoes." She had pointed out that I did not find the right fit yet and said, "till then, enjoy trying on more shoes."

The more I thought about it, the more the analogy fit. I decided to write about my experiences and liken them to different "styles" of shoes. At first, I wrote because it was therapeutic. It was fun to laugh instead of feeling sorry for myself.

But as I wrote, and wrote and wrote, I realized that I had something to share. Something that might help others through difficult situations. Although I wasn't sure the book would become published, I knew it was worth a shot.

At first, it was a difficult decision  to let friends, family and strangers read the personal details of my life. But I wanted my book to be relatable, and the only way to do so was to share my true encounters. I hoped my readers would connect with my book, and know they're not alone in trying to find their perfect fit. My role in my dating life was not always perfect, but I grew from the experiences. I am thankful for all the shoes styles/ men  in my book, they made me who I am today.

I sent the book to several self-publishers. Although several expressed interest, I decided to go with Mindstir Media. They encouraged me to do my own illustrations instead of trying to find Internet pictures of shoes and then attempting to obtain copyright permission. As Lynne knows I have been drawing for years and designed the sets for the Rinx Preschool Skating Shows, so it was nice to use my talent in a professional capacity.

And while in the future, I may try on more pairs of shoes, for now, I am enjoying the benefits of being a published writer. I had a fun interview on Date Night with Connie and Chrissy. I have been interviewed for Long Island advance and Long Island Pulse, and even had a book signing. I am not giving up on happiness or success. 

So if you have negatives in your life, remember that you can always them positives. I did! I hope you enjoy reading  Shoes are Like Men as much as I did writing it. Happy Reading!

Kim Interdonato, 
Author of Shoes Are Like Men

 Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Books-A-Million 

Friday, January 27, 2017

BLOG HOP: Jena Benton's Simply 7 interview with Lynne Marie–“Hedgehog’s 100th Day of School”

Simply-7-Interview with Lynne Marie

Thank you, Jena Benton for having me as a Guest on your Blog!

MCBD: A Review of The Little Linebacker - A Story of Determination by Stephen Tulloch and Maria Dismondy

TITLE: The Little Linebacker
AUTHORS: Stephen Tulloch and Maria Dismondy
ILLUSTRATOR: Heather Heyworth
PUBLISHER: Cardinal Rule Press, an imprint
of Maria Dismondy, Inc. 

REVIEW BY: Lynne Marie

SNIPPET: As if his mom knew what he was thinking, she smiled and said, "Dream bigger dreams, Stephen." Tomorrow would be a big day. Stephen would go to his first Little League Football practice. 

What is not apparent from this adorable cover art (as I am not a full-time football fan) is that this story is based upon a TRUE story of struggle and determination. One of the authors is also the main character, which is interesting! However, I had been wondering why, in contrast to most fiction picture books which occur over a short period of time, the story paced itself by saying: A few years later, To be fair, it might have made more sense had I read the "Before reading, during reading and after reading" section on the the reverse of the title page, but when reviewing a book I always primarily avoid anything that will stack the deck in one way or another and let the story stand for itself.

Once I made it into the end zone of the book, it all made sense and I was glad to have followed "the Little Linebacker" Stephen Tulloch on his fantastic journey which began with a daydream and ended up a dream come true. Definitely inspiring, with art by Heather Heyworth that will capture the attention of little ones, a reminder that "slow and steady wins the race," and an important emphasis on doing well in school, .

NOTE: The opinions reflected herein are my own.
REVIEW COPY: Provided by Maria Dismondy, Inc.


Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2017 (1/27/17) is its fourth year and was founded by Valarie Budayr from Jump Into A Book and Mia Wenjen from PragmaticMom. Our mission is to raise awareness on the ongoing need to include kid’s books that celebrate diversity in home and school bookshelves while also working diligently to get more of these types of books into the hands of young readers, parents and educators. 
Despite census data that shows 37% of the US population consists of people of color, only 10% of children’s books published have diversity content. Using the Multicultural Children’s Book Day holiday, the MCBD Team are on a mission to change all of that.

Current Sponsors:  MCBD 2017 is honored to have some amazing Sponsors on board. Platinum Sponsors include Scholastic, Barefoot Books and Broccoli. Other Medallion Level Sponsors include heavy-hitters like Author Carole P. Roman, Audrey Press, Candlewick Press,  Fathers Incorporated, KidLitTV, Capstone Young Readers, ChildsPlayUsa, Author Gayle Swift, Wisdom Tales Press, Lee& Low Books, The Pack-n-Go Girls, Live Oak Media, Author Charlotte Riggle, Chronicle Books and Pomelo Books

We’d like to also give a shout-out to MCBD’s impressive CoHost Team who not only hosts the book review link-up on celebration day, but who also work tirelessly to spread the word of this event. View our CoHosts HERE.
MCBD Links to remember:
MCBD site:
Free Multicultural Books for Teachers:
Free Kindness Classroom Kit for Homeschoolers, Organizations, Librarians and Educators:
Free Diversity Book Lists and Activities for Teachers and Parents:

A Review of I am NOT a Princess by Bethany Burt

TITLE: I am NOT a Princess
AUTHOR: Bethany Burt
ILLUSTRATOR: Brenda McCallum
PUBLISHER: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 

REVIEW BY: Lynne Marie

JACKET FLAP: Play-acting and self-identity are the themes of this charmingly illustrated book about a girl who dreams of being a beautiful princess.

SNIPPET: "Mom, princesses don't have to shop for food! They have servants and stuff who make all their food for them," Eliza snorted. 

REVIEW: After deciding to be a Princess, Eliza finds she has everything she needs -- a favorite princess dress, jewelry, gloves, slippers and beaded purse. Voila! She's a princess! But as the day goes on, she realizes that maybe a Princess is NOT the very best thing to be. 

Although I hadn't recognized the name of the publisher, the author or the illustrator, this book was surprisingly good -- it's a funny, well-written story with adorably cute art,  a believable character, satisfying resolution and a wonderful message. 

A wonderful book to share with Princesses and non-Princesses, too! 

Rating: 4.0 Ps 

NOTE: The opinions reflected herein are my own.

PPBF: The Black and White Factory by Eric Telchin, Illustrated by Diego Funck

TITLE: The Black and White Factory
AUTHOR: Eric Telchin
PUBLISHER: Little Bee Books/Bonnier

REVIEW BY: Lynne Marie


Hello! And congratulations! You've just won a tour of the top secret Black and White Factory.

REVIEW: Love Diego Funck's inviting cover, and then Eric Telchin's enthusiastic first line reels the reader right in. I mean who wouldn't want a tour of a "top secret" black and white factory? I'm pretty sure even adults won't be able to resist, especially when the tour is given by a zebra, a penguin and a panda bear. Of course, once you enter, there are rules. Everything is perfectly clean. Everything has its place. Everything is black and white. But I am sure that you know that in a story, rules are made to be broken or reading would be no fun at all. And there's lots of fun and interactive moments, and rule breaking, for those who take this tour. Don't miss your chance. I'm pretty sure you'll agree that messes, colors and surprises should always be allowed, especially when reading. 

This ultimately colorful picture book is told through words and pictures in an active and engaging way which invites audience participation. A great read-aloud for home, classroom or library. 

Rating: 4.5 Ps

NOTE: The opinions reflected herein are my own.